photography news, views and insights

1x – The Curated Art Gallery

November 30, 2016 is one of the world’s most exclusive curated art galleries. The many photos on are selected by a team of professional gallery curators, just like in a real [read more]

Wedding Photographer Turns Couples Into Miniature People

July 27, 2016

Ekkachai Saelow is a Thai wedding photographer who doesn’t just believe in capturing the finer details of his subjects – he actually turns his subjects into the

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Just when you might think you have run out of ideas as a wedding photographer, a Thai photographer has come up with this novel idea – turning his subjects into tiny people, aka Gullivers travels. 

What do you think of this idea, is it likely to be tried out by other wedding photographers…or in fact any photographer? Leave your thoughts and opinions below.

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